2 thoughts on “222

  1. Frans Hoorn says:

    Your art is amazing!
    I was wondering, do you also use tumblr?
    I’m not a blogspot user myself, but if I could, I would follow you on tumblr immediately.
    I’m also a Whovian by the way, great to know Doctor Who is also popular in France!

    1. Mademoiselle Kalumis says:

      Hi Franz !

      Thank you ! Yeah, I have a Tumblr 🙂 I’ll use it more often soon ! (at 261 exactly : This will be « the Originals creation come back » 😉 ) So here’s the url : http://mllekalumis.tumblr.com/
      The French community of Whovians in France is actually growing fast ^^ and yeah, that’s great 😀

      See you very soon on Tumblr 😉


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